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Wondering how we work? These case studies will give you a quick overview of our comprehensive approach, full engagement and diligence.



Dant Advocacy brings Indiana manufacturers together to set policy, pass law

Dant Advocacy developed a comprehensive, year-round government relations plan for a large consortium of Indiana manufacturers, including steps to create and improve relationships with key Indiana legislators and executive branch policymakers. We assisted in the drafting of positive legislation and policy papers advocating the consortium’s positions; formed a coalition with like-minded organizations; organized a Member Day at the Statehouse; and coordinated plant visits and meetings with lawmakers. In just the first year, the consortium succeeded in passing favorable legislation and securing legislative and executive branch support for further positive policy and legislative changes.


Company protected from huge tax hikes

A state agency unexpectedly changed its longstanding interpretation of a tax exemption, potentially costing our client a significant amount of money. Dant Advocacy worked with fiscal legislative leaders and the state agency to secure legislation that codified a favorable interpretation of the exemption, protecting the company against future, detrimental interpretations.


Steel manufacturers and the environment come out as winners

A coalition of steel manufacturers engaged Dant Advocacy to draft legislation, negotiate its terms, pass an Indiana law and implement an administrative rule creating a mercury switch removal and recovery program. We worked closely with the state agency that would run the program and with competing interests that would be affected by it. No program costs were imposed on the steel industry and the program has been a success for the environment and the steel industry.


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(317) 450-6182

143 West Market Street, Suite 500

Indianapolis, IN 46204 

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